Thursday, March 23, 2023

Blog Post #2: Digital Tattoos

     In Juan Enriquez's TED Talk (, he speaks of electronic tattoos. 

    He makes a very good argument about how websites and corporations find out things about you through the things you look up, and the data that is a part of you. He compares this information about you to physical tattoos, which often show a certain message or part of someone. 

    He then brings in the metaphor of electronic tattoos. Like stated earlier, these electronic tattoos are the data about you, your face, your interests, what you look at online, your credit score, purchases, things of that nature. Big corporations, like Facebook for example, will take that data to learn as much about you as possible, leading to them knowing way more about you than is probably comfortable for most people. 

    Enriquez brings in metaphors about Greek mythology as well, which I found engaging. One that stuck out to me was that of Sisyphus eternal struggle to roll a boulder up a mountain, continually falling back down and pushing it back up. Enriquez compares this to someone's online reputation, constantly shifting up and down, with people always trying to push it upwards. 

    Juan Enriquez' TED Talk was overall a very engaging piece. 

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